Thursday, January 29, 2009


Geeze, from these posts it probably seems like I'm in serious need of a psychiatrist and medication.

But whatever, I am super pissed off.. and stressed. As usual.

I have all this homework, and I wasted today with pointless shit.

And on top of that I have a mother who doesn't give a shit. I talk to her, she ignores what I say. And this isn't just typical teenage rambling. Literally, I had JUST told my mom something, and within the next 60 seconds she asked me a question that I had answered by what I said earlier. She claimed that she was too "busy". Oh.. ok.. guess what I say takes lower priority than basically everything else. "Oh, I just got home from shopping... lets go change clothes. What's that? My daughter is saying something? Oh, well I'll just act like I'm listening and then be an asshole by asking her questions that I would know the answer to if I would just listen."

Well.. maybe she didn't think that last part. But definitely the first part. All the fucking time. All the motherfucking time. Then I act OBVIOUSLY mad and she laughs it off like me being angry is no big deal. Then, now, she's like, "What? You're mad at me?"

I know what's coming next.. I'm gonna be all pissed. She's gonna be like "What did I do?!!??!" Then SHE's gonna be mad at ME for getting mad at her in the first place. Then, eventually she may mutter some insincere apology, and I'll realize it's pointless to stay mad at her as it is incredibly inconvenient for me and it will never change anything. Then a month or so later this shit will repeat itself.

Why can't old dogs learn new tricks? Why is she such an inconsiderate bitch?

Is it so hard to treat your ONLY daughter as if she IS your only daughter??

I wish this blog just.. transferred my thoughts and feelings to it.. I'm so pissed off atthe world and want to get it off my chest, but I never want to write it down in a rational manner.

Sigh.. I'm going to end up going batshit crazy.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Well, I've decided to write another post.

I've titled it "Pointless" because that is basically my theory of life. Everything has no essential 'point'. The obvious talk of an atheist. I mean, if the entire universe disappeared/got destroyed, who would be around to care? If nobody cares, then what's the point? And even if they do care, what's the point? So what if someone cares? In the grand, grand scheme of thing, there's no point to anything, let alone your individual measly problems.

But I've especially titled it so, not to rant on and on about how pointless everything is, but to focus on several pointless things affecting my pointless life.

1. This blog, in itself, is pointless not only for the above reasons, but because I'm just a dumb teenager who is currently listening to Nsync and thinking, "Ah the good old days." My opinion is so worthless and stupid, especially since I think it's so all-mighty. This, I guess, is just me repeating what I said in a previous post, but whatever. I'm part of the huge number of teenagers forming cynical theories on life and handing out my opinion like I'm some sort of wealth of knowledge gracing you with my presence. Yet, in reality, I'm some stupid teen who finds the idea of getting high a bit too exciting. I'd be more in my place write about my various sexual and drug-related escapades. But we both know the reason I'm not doing so is because I'm too uncool to have enough of these to write a blog about...

2. Anyways, the reason I was angered enough to write a blog post is because I'm appalled at the school system. I have a theory that, the higher you go up in the ladder of anything, the more retarded people become. Especially in the school system. The school system is flawed in way too many ways. For example, the heads up at the brilliant school boards decided to install new, expensive A/Cs in all schools that are louder and break more often than the old ones. Why? Because they hooked them up to a big computer that sets them all at one temperature. Why? Apparently, to save electricity. A "go green" policy. Now, being the liberal hippie that I am, I wouldn't mind this, and I would even support this, had the policy actually worked.

Instead, this makes the A/C impossible to regulate in the classroom without sending an email to headquarters to please turn the air off because our balls are the size of raisins and our shirts are going to get holes poked through them thanks to our nipples. Then this request needs to be "processed" and eventually your temperature will be adjusted. So, instead of doing this, most classes simply try to withstand the cold. Did I mention that this is in a city in which the temperature never goes lower than 60 degrees (even in the dead of winter) with high humidity?

Where my father works, it's so cold that employees have brought their own personal heaters to help them out. It's 90 degrees outside, 70% humidity, and they need heaters inside.

In what fucked up world does this make ANY sense??

Not only this, but the school board decided to turn off all the air conditioning on Monday morning. Why? Because there will be a cold front on Tuesday EVENING. Yep. So the entire school barely escaped heat stroke thanks to the stupid people up top.

What does this have to do with pointlessness? Nothing, I guess. School in general is pointless. The only thing I've learned from school is that life is complete and utter bullshit. Thanks, school.