Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Fucked Up Life

I haven't posted any updates because I've kept forgetting that I have no actual readers to my knowledge. I started this blog so I could rant about the injustices of this world, but of course this mostly happens when something is personally affecting me. Naturally I didn't feel like explaining my life story every time I was pissed the fuck off so I haven't posted in a while.

But I assure you, I have been pissed the fuck off.

So, dear non-existent reader, the following will probably make little sense to you, but hopefully you'll be able to keep up.. if not, then don't be sad.. you really shouldn't care about my life anyhow.

I'm going to start off by naming two of my character flaws. They are (but certainly are not limited to) absolutely loathing anybody who disagrees with me/being disagreed with and believing that I am the absolute wisest person on this planet. I may be using a little hyperbole on the latter–and since the former is pretty straightforward I'm not going to elaborate on that one–but really I think I'm the fucking shit. I'm only 16 fucking years old, and I think I am so incredibly genius, gifted with common sense and wisdom beyond my years. Now, I may be more intelligent than the average 16-year-old, but I seriously doubt that I'm as fucking smart as I think I am. This actually plays into the first character flaw I mentioned, as since I think this, I believe anyone I argue with MUST be wrong and my view MUST be right. Sometimes I question if everything I believe is wrong and if those idiots out there are actually right. Maybe God exists? Maybe Bush/McCain was the right choice? But I simply can't find any logical reason why this would be the case no matter how hard I try.

Regardless of everything I just wrote, I do believe I'm that incredibly wise. (Btw, I use the word wise instead of smart because some people may interpret smart as being book-smart and I am the first to admit I am not as book smart as many around me). And I just got into a fight with my mother. My mother. My senior. The one who gave birth to me. The one who changed my diapers and wiped away my slobber. Granted, this happens all the time, but how can I truly believe I'm smarter than her? Especially when I believe that time brings wisdom? She's 45. I'm 16. Yet I think she's handling this fight like a child. I offer to talk it out, to show her my point of view, but instead, she is a fucking coward and refuses to listen to a word I say (which happens to be the very reason I was mad at her in the first place). She says "well I can be mad too!" and goes off completely ignoring me like a 5-year-old. First, I'm mad for an actual reason, you're not. Second, I know the next step is to complain to my dad and possibly even cry (though I have never actually witnessed said crying and it has only been reported to me by my dad). How is that in ANY way mature??? You're going to guilt me out of being mad at you?? You're going to say "well daddy told you to stop being mad at me!!"??? How about you actually LISTEN to me and try to fucking comply or even compromise with my point of view?? You fucking coward.

O, and I promised I'd be all over the place and indecipherable with this and that may be so or may not be so, but I'm going to skip to another point. I hate teenagers who think they're the fucking shit (and please.. I am well aware I just said up above that I am a teenager who thinks I'm the fucking shit. But as I think I'm the fucking shit, I obviously do not belong to the category that "thinks" they're the fucking shit, as I am certain I "know" I'm the fucking shit and that it is a well-known fact.. at least by me..). I hate seeing them argue they're point as if they're so smart and great at arguing. When I see this I become infuriated with society because they argue so fucking textbook that its ridiculous. Its as though they have no mind of their own. They argue as though they're writing an argumentative essay for 5th period English (for 2 whole grades!). Then they think they're so great that they used some big words and long sentences to try to intimidate their opponent into thinking they're smart and know what the fuck they're talking about. Hell, even Bush sometimes uses big words.. and sometimes even successfully! Does that mean he's the shit? No! Get over yourselves you half-wit teenagers!

Except for me.

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