Thursday, November 27, 2008


I don't get it.. Ok I realize that my blogs haven't really been varied on topic, but most blogs aren't and I only post when I'm pissed at people so whatever.

First of all, I've got a pretty privileged life. I'm not rich as shit or anything but I live in a very nice neighborhood and away from most of the evil things that happen in the world. But every time I hear about something horrible–like how one girl plotted with her boyfriend to kill her mom so she could get money for a boob job–I start to feel really depressed and disgusted with society. I wonder why people can be so heartless.. and stupid. People are killing each other and themselves for ridiculous reasons.. Now I'm not one that's all like "all life is sacred!!" and shit.. but I don't think life should be treated so casually.. especially when I believe that this is all there is. I don't know.. I just can't comprehend it.. I would never kill someone.. I mean, maybe if they were trying to kill me.. but never like that!

Second, it's Thanksgiving, right? And Thanksgiving is a time for family, right? Well, I just can't believe that people don't change... ever. My brother has been the same cold-hearted bastard his whole life.. and every time I see him I hope that something will change.. but no.. the fact that my own brother can't be nice or even decent to me, and he's over 20, just goes to show that nobody changes, and we're all just gay.

Third, with my best friend gone, I only have two really close friends left, and one I simply hate. Maybe not hate, but I can't stand to be around him for long.. He's just changed.. and everything is just awful.

I feel alone and surrounded by assholes. Now what am I supposed to do?

I have to go eat turkey and awkwardly talk to some girl I barely know because my parents think we should be friends as we are "close" to the same age.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Yeah, I know.. Lame title.. but whatever.

Soooo... guess who's president? Obama! God, I'm so happy! He did it! I have a mindset like, "Yes! Our problems are solved! Finally, everything will go back to how they were during Clinton." But I know.. everyone's expectations for him are like he's freaking Jesus. I know he can't solve things immediately, or maybe even at all. I just hope that he can make things good enough for there to be reason for everyone to re-elect him in four years. Hopefully, things can't get any worse under him, and it's all uphill from here.

In other, incredibly less important news, I hate blogger. I ran into problems the second I got an account. I still don't even know what the problems were caused by, or even what they were. I think I have a different account now.. and yes, I'm not sure. All I know is there are now two Bestiny Prattle blogs out there and one will probably never get updated. (Please.. a moment of silence for a dead blog..)

No transition here.. I'm just going to cut straight, and awkwardly, onto the next subject. It turns out I was right in my last post.. people do really suck. That amazing person I was supposed to meet? Stupid.. as usual.. Whatever, who needs people when I have a computer... and can live through a character I made up on WoW? (Lol I am just kidding people.. never even played the game). Who knows.. it may come to that.. The entire human race may just start hating social interaction soon and we will all just play WoW and there will be peace. (Haha.. ironic.. cuz.. get it? World of WARcraft? peace? hahahhaa!)


So.. I'm actually doing another one.. probably going to be short due to the time, but I don't think I do short very well.

So anyways, today I'm going to complain about how all humans suck. I hate how I always make a friend that seems really cool at first and then they always turn out to be annoying or bad in some major way. Why are humans so imperfect? Whoever said that needs to be a rule? Whoever said that all humans have to suck?

Now what am I supposed to do.. I was so excited with the prospect of a new person who actually didn't seem like an ass, but they're all asses. I'm actually being introduced to another someone who seems really amazing.. but now I know there's no use in hoping they turn out as amazing as they seem. People just suck. Period.

I don't really see a point or an ending or some clever way to close this entry.. It's just a sad fact that I've realized, and I don't know what to draw from this experience. "Hope", "Change", it's all bullshit. I see no hope, and people don't change unless it's for the worse.

My First Time

Oh dear, I'm intimidated by this huge, white box. What am I supposed to write in here? Any ideas or thoughts I had previously wanted to express were immediately gone when I saw this box. What do I do now? Introduce myself?

As though I'm actually talking to someone. I wonder how many people will ever read this.. ever. Maybe 2? Well whatever, I came into this looking simply to vent whenever something bothered me... so I guess I'll do that.

Well, first of all, if anyone ever did read this, and I'm assuming you are, because if you weren't then I wouldn't be talking to anybody and then nobody would be thinking I'm stupid for typing to myself because I wouldn't be... get it? Well, anyways, do NOT think that the word "Bestiny" has anything to do with destiny or best. In fact, it's a play on a word in a different language. And it's actually a very clever use of antithesis. So there.

And one thing that's really pissing me off, is how gay blogger is... already. I can't change my email on this account to gmail, because life is gay, and who cares, whatever, I'll just have to deal with it.

Anyways, I guess I should fill "you" in on what you can expect from my blogs. Well, first of all, you can probably expect a very small flow of blogs, probably none at all. Most likely this is going to be my first and last entry, though I would like to continue. I'm just not very motivated. But if, on rare chance, I do happen to actually stick with this, I will likely rant about politics (I'm incredibly liberal, and a determined debater so if you're a republican that feels the need to comment with opinionated shit, prepare for war). I will likely curse... a lot. I will also probably talk about shit that you could not possibly care less, my life. Yet, seeing as how I will be saying a bunch of super opinionated, radical, offensive shit, I probably won't get too specific about that one.

So.. let's hope I continue, shall we?