Saturday, November 8, 2008


So.. I'm actually doing another one.. probably going to be short due to the time, but I don't think I do short very well.

So anyways, today I'm going to complain about how all humans suck. I hate how I always make a friend that seems really cool at first and then they always turn out to be annoying or bad in some major way. Why are humans so imperfect? Whoever said that needs to be a rule? Whoever said that all humans have to suck?

Now what am I supposed to do.. I was so excited with the prospect of a new person who actually didn't seem like an ass, but they're all asses. I'm actually being introduced to another someone who seems really amazing.. but now I know there's no use in hoping they turn out as amazing as they seem. People just suck. Period.

I don't really see a point or an ending or some clever way to close this entry.. It's just a sad fact that I've realized, and I don't know what to draw from this experience. "Hope", "Change", it's all bullshit. I see no hope, and people don't change unless it's for the worse.

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