Saturday, November 8, 2008


Yeah, I know.. Lame title.. but whatever.

Soooo... guess who's president? Obama! God, I'm so happy! He did it! I have a mindset like, "Yes! Our problems are solved! Finally, everything will go back to how they were during Clinton." But I know.. everyone's expectations for him are like he's freaking Jesus. I know he can't solve things immediately, or maybe even at all. I just hope that he can make things good enough for there to be reason for everyone to re-elect him in four years. Hopefully, things can't get any worse under him, and it's all uphill from here.

In other, incredibly less important news, I hate blogger. I ran into problems the second I got an account. I still don't even know what the problems were caused by, or even what they were. I think I have a different account now.. and yes, I'm not sure. All I know is there are now two Bestiny Prattle blogs out there and one will probably never get updated. (Please.. a moment of silence for a dead blog..)

No transition here.. I'm just going to cut straight, and awkwardly, onto the next subject. It turns out I was right in my last post.. people do really suck. That amazing person I was supposed to meet? Stupid.. as usual.. Whatever, who needs people when I have a computer... and can live through a character I made up on WoW? (Lol I am just kidding people.. never even played the game). Who knows.. it may come to that.. The entire human race may just start hating social interaction soon and we will all just play WoW and there will be peace. (Haha.. ironic.. cuz.. get it? World of WARcraft? peace? hahahhaa!)

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